Brazil had a cumulative installed PV capacity of 18.38 MW as of Sept. 20, 2014, according to the latest statistics from the country’s energy regulator Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL). Of the 180 PV systems installed in Brazil, however, only 14.38 MW is currently online, while the remaining 4.0 MW is awaiting regulatory authorization to operate.
Brazil's PV capacity online as of Aug. 20, 2014, was of 12.28 MW. This means that, in the past 1-month period, 2 MW of PV systems were connected to the grid. At the end of 2013, Brazil had a cumulative PV capacity of around 6 MW.
Furthermore, ANEEL’s statistics reveal that, despite the high number of large-scale PV projects announced in Brazil over the past 2 years, no PV project is currently under construction and that only one 30 MW solar project is officially under development, despite its construction has still to be started. PV power currently accounts for just 0.01% of Brazil’s total generation capacity, which currently stands at 139.4 GW.