The first and foremost thing to be noted is that all unnecessary electrical appliances are to be turned off when not in use. This message should be passed around to each and every person who uses the appliance. The members of your household must be made aware of the glaring electricity crisis and also the cost of running electrical items like fan, light, televisions, computers etc when they are not required.
The lights are mandatory at night and hence they cannot be turned off then. However you need to ensure that lights are not turned on in unwanted rooms. They are trivial things which help in saving money over a period of time.
Once you are done with the above guidelines, you need to ensure that the lights do not consume too much of power. There are compact CFL bulbs and fluorescent lamps which consume lesser power than the incandescent lights. Hence this helps in conserving the energy.
Monitor the power intake of your household carefully and try reducing the consumption by means of energy saving gadgets.
There is a common misconception that the electricity bill depends directly on the number of electrical appliances present. It is not the number of appliances present that matters, but the number of appliances that are currently running. Properly planning out strategies can help in reducing the power consumption.
Identify the appliances which consume the maximum power and use them wisely. For example, it is highly unnecessary to use washing machines for washing few clothes. You can use them when the amount exceeds a bucket or two. Similarly air-conditioners and geysers should be used only when necessary and for a limited amount of time. While using ACs make sure that you maintain proper average temperature. Again monitors and television screens utilize large amount of power. So turn them off when not in use.
On another note, it is better to use renewable sources of electricity like wind, sun and water as they are cheaper and available for free. Popular energy saving guides can help you build solar panel energy storage kits to help in setting up such devices to generate electricity at home. They not only reduce the burden of huge electricity bills but also provide a constant supply of electricity. When such plans are used on a larger scale, the global energy requirement is bound to reduce.
For more information on energy storage go to 12v 20ah battery pack