To integrate 45% of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030 will remain problematic, if markets and consumers will not be able to maximize the benefits of renewables in a competitive and integrated internal electricity market.
These are the conclusions of two papers released by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), an association of European electric transmission system operators (TSOs). In the two policy papers on Market Design and Demand Side Response, ENTSO-E, which represents 41 grid operators in 34 European countries, stressed that the European electricity market is currently valuing capacity and flexibility only indirectly, lacking of the necessary mechanisms for the integration of large amounts of renewable energy electricity.
According to the reports, Demande Side Response (DSR), the actions taken by consumers to change the amount of electricity they take off the grid at particular times in response to a signal, will be a decisive factor to address all the critical issues related to the integration of renewables. »Implementing DSR – ENTSO-E stressed - will require a concerted effort to develop and deploy sound data management and DSR-friendly market products, planning and operational standards.